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+ 1 305 450-1721 / + 1 561 542-6438
Dymacare® Continence Care Range

Dymacare® Continence Care Range

Dymacare Continence Care Range consists of a high-quality moist 5 in 1 continence care wipes…

Dymacare® 2% Chlorhexidine Bathing Range

Dymacare® 2% Chlorhexidine Bathing Range

Dymacare 2% Chlorhexidine bathing range is a high-quality antibacterial bathing system, designed for pre-operational and post-operational…

Dymacare® Antibacterial Bathing Range

Dymacare® Antibacterial Bathing Range

Dymacare Antibacterial Patient bathing range is a high-quality moist wipe/mitt/cap antibacterial bathing system, designed for preoperational…

Dymacare® Patient Bathing Range

Dymacare® Patient Bathing Range

Dymacare Patient bathing range is a high-quality moist wipe/mitt/cap bathing system, designed for bedridden hospital…

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